Abstracts from the EuGMS conference in Helsinki
European Geriatric Medicine | Volume 14, Issue 1 supplement (springer.com)
Kind reminder COST survey
The René De Cooman Prize
THE RENÉ DE COOMAN PRIZE announces the awarding of the 2023 DE COOMAN PRIZE to the amount of 10.000 EUROS Awarded to honour a Belgian researcher (less than 45 years before April 1, 2023) having made a prominent contribution to the problem of Aging. Applications are to be submitted before March 1, 2023 to the […]
Enhancing End-of-life Decision-making: Optimal Regulation of Euthanasia (Belgian Case Study on Euthanasia)
As part of an international project, led from Australia, researchers are seeking healthcare professionals who would like to participate in an interview about how they experience euthanasia regulation. Are you a health professional (doctor, nurse or professional caregiver)? Have you been involved in the euthanasia assessment of at least two patients in the past year? […]
Wintermeeting postponed until 24-25 June 2022
Due to the current COVID situation and the fact that we would like to welcome you personally the 45th Wintermeeting is postponed until 24-25 June 2022
PROMISS project by EuGS
Dear colleagues, After five fruitful years of EuGMS partnership in the EU project PROMISS / PRevention Of Malnutrition In Senior Subjects in the EU (Horizon 2020, 2016-2021) we are proud to forward to you the last official Press Release of the PROMISS project. Apart from general information on the project and the project final results […]
Access to EGM for all members
How to access EGM
The Fund Marie-Thérèse De Lava and the Fund Robert Schneider
The Fund Marie-Thérèse De Lava and the Fund Robert Schneider wish to foster research in geriatric medicine, which plays an increasing role in health care. Both Funds are launching a joint call to encourage high level researchers to develop their career by combining scientific research in geriatrics with clinical practice. Deadline for application: 4th October 2021 Applicants […]
Vous prenez connaissance d’une étude. Mais comment la lire et l’interpréter ?
Nouvel E-LEARNING Comment lire une RCT? – 2e partie : Interprétation des résultats d’une étude “Les résultats de cette étude sont statistiquement significatifs.” Cela signifie-t-il que le médicament est efficace ? Ou n’est-ce pas si simple ? Que signifient les résultats de l’étude pour mon patient ? Nous vous aidons à y répondre […]