Cours interuniversitaires
2023_11_24_DALLEUR O._MARIEN S._SIBILLE F-X._Optimisation de la prescription
2023_11_24_MARTIN F._Réadaptation Gériatrique
2023_11_24_DESSART P._Réadaptation de l’AVC des octogénaires
2023_11_24_LEGRAND A-C._Réadaptation gériatrique: expérience d'une jeune gériatre
2023_11_24_PEETERS A._AVC à la phase aiguë: prise en charge médicale
2023_05_26_PERKISAS S._Healthy ageing
2023_05_26_BASTIJNS S._Sarcopenia
2023_05_26_DE BREUCKER S._ Sarcopénie
2023_05_26_GILLAIN S._Hôpital de Jour Gériatrique
2023_03_17_BIUCGM (password : Geriatrie23)
2022_12_09_GIELEN E._Diagnosis and treatment of age-related osteoporosis
2022_12 _09_DETROYER E._Management of delirium in older persons
2022_12_09_VANDERVELDE S._Falls Prevention
2022_12_09_HATSE S._Biology of aging and immunosenescence
2022_12_09_FLAMAING J._Vaccination of the elderly
2022_12_09_SCHOEVAERDTS D._Epidemiology and approach of resistant pathogens in older persons
2022_05_20_SOMERS A._Polypharmacy and prevention of DRPs
2022_05_20_CARREIN M._The Gheop³-Tool: an explicit screening tool to detect DRPs in primary care
2022_05_20_PETROVIC M._Inappropriate drug prescribing in older adults
2022_05_20_GCA interactive workshop
2022_03_18_GILLAIN S._BIUCGM 2022
2022_03_18_COLLIGNON J._Geriatric Oncology
2022_01_21_VAN DEN NOORTGATE N._Pain in the older person and cognitively impaired
2022_01_21_VAN DEN NOORTGATE N._The ageing kidney/Chronic kidney failure
2021 11_19_Cammen2019_Article_WhereErgonomicsMeetsGeriatrics
2021_11_19_Anton Jellema_Geriatrie gerontologie
2021_11_19_Van der Cammen et al autonomous ageing AND design
2021_11_19_EAT_YuSong & van der Cammen Maturitas
2021_11_19_AHJellema et al 2019 Shoe design for older Adults
2021_05_20_CHONG_Y-M._The crucial role of caregivers in geriatric care
2021_05_20_DE ALMEIDA MELLO_A._Presentation BelRAI
2021_05_20_MACQ_J._The general logic of my interventions this PM
2021_05_20_SCHOEVAERDS_D._Understanding interdisciplinary team working in geriatric medicine
2021_01_22 BAEYENS J.-P._Geriatric Medicine in Belgium : from the past to the future
2021_01_22_VAN DEN NOORTGATE_N._Geriatric Day Hospital
2021_01_22_FLAMAING_J._Interne liaison
2021_01_22_VANDENBROUCKE_M._Beroepsorganisatie en Nomenclatuur
2020_05_14_BALLEGEER F.-GORET H._ Bekwaamheid en bewind
2020_01_17_VAN DEN NOORTGATE_N. - PIERS_R._End-of-life care in geriatric medicine
2020_01_17_VAN DEN NOORTGATE N._Dealing with euthanasia on geriatric wards
2020_01_17_LEMEY_L._Depressive disorders in late life
2020_01_17_PETROVIC_M._Sleep Disorders in Older People
2019_11_29_VLAEYEN E_Presentation_Fall_prevention_BIUCGM
2019_11_29 DEJAEGER M._Orthogeriatric Care
2019_11_29_GIELEN E._Update on diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis
2019_11_29_PERKISAS S._Muscle assessment through ultrasound
2019-05-16 Van Eenoo L - BelRAI introduction
2019-05-16 Petrovic M - Inappropriate drug prescribing in older adults
2019-05-16 Foubert K. - The GheOP³S-tool
2019-05-16 Capiau A - Polypharmacy and prevention of drug related problems
2019-03-15 Vandenbroucke M - Beroepsorganisatie en nomenclatuur
2019-03-15 Flamaing J - Internal Geriatric Consultation Teams
2019-03-15 Petermans J - Screening in old patient
2019-03-15 De Breucker S - Oncogeriatrics
2019-03-15 Clinical Cases Oncogeriatrics + answers
2019-01-18 Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment WS4 - Inappropriate prescription
2019-01-18 Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment WS3 - Psychogeriatrics
2019-01-18 Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment WS2 - Oncogeriatrics
2019-01-18 Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment WS1-TAVI
2018-11-16 Mets T. Demographics
2018-11-16 De Brauwer I - Frailty
2018-05-17 Van Den Noortgate N - The ageing kidney - Chronic kidney failure
2018-05-17 Schoevaerdts D - The place of emotional intelligence in our work
2018-05-17 Degelaen C- How to optimize team work
2018-03-16 Poppe K - Thyroid disorders in the elderly
2018-03-16 Petrovic M - Appropriate use of Psychotropic drugs in frail older people
2018-03-16 Pepersack T - Primary hyperparathyroidism
2018-03-16 Lemey L - Depressive disorders in late life
2018-01-12 Van Dijk M - Therapy after stroke
2018-01-12 Van der Velpen M - Role of the nursing staff Gira
2018-01-12 Tournoy J - Guidelinesfor adult stroke rehabilitation and recovery
2018-01-12 Rakic J-M - Aging_and_Ophthalmology
2018-01-12 Miermans K - Swallowing and communication disorders after stroke
2018-01-12 Lagier A - Swallowing disorders in the elderly
2018-01-12 Els Vermeylen - Occupational therapy
2017-11-17 Perskisas S - Dementia
2017-11-17 Pepersack T- Boland B - Anticoagulants
2017-11-17 Mets T - Pressure Ulcers
2017-11-17 De Cock A-M - Mild cognitive impairment
2017-05-19 Pepersack T-Boland B - Direct oral anticoagulants in older patients with AF
2017-05-19 de Saint-Hubert M - TAVI and preoperative assessment
2017-05-19 de Saint Hubert M - Immunity_ageing_2017
2017-05-01 Flamaing - Infection_and_prevention_def_2017
2017-03-17 Petermans J - Kepenne V Evacuation problems in the old patient
2017-03-17 Pepersach T - Electrolytes disorders in geriatrics
2017-03-17 Penders Y - Challenges in communication about end of life
2017-03-17 Litiguard Advocaten -
2017-03-17 Cuenen A - Safe mobility in older adults
2017-01-05 Piers R - Van Den Noortgate N - End of life care in Geriatric medicine